15 ft. Chain [5 Unit]
50 GP
15 ft. Rope [5 Units]
A sturdy 5 Unit length of rope, useful for climbing, tying, or securing equipment.
6 GP
3 ft. Chain [1 Unit]
10 GP
30 ft. Rope [10 Units]
A 10 Unit rope, essential for longer climbs or more complex tasks requiring more length.
12 GP
40-Page Journal
A sturdy, bound journal containing 40 blank pages, ideal for recording adventures, keeping diaries, or sketching.
8 GP
45 ft. Rope [15 Units]
A 15 Unit rope, versatile for a variety of situations, from scaling walls to crossing gaps.
20 GP
60 ft. Rope [20 Units]
A substantial 20 Unit length of rope, ideal for challenging climbs or when a significant length is necessary.
30 GP
90 ft. Spool of Invisible String [30 Units]
This can be used to set up triggers for certain traps and adds +1 to the Required Search Check to reveal the trap this is part of.
40 GP
90 ft. Spool of String [30 Units]
This can be used to set up triggers for certain traps and does not affect the visibily of the trap.
4 GP
A Complex Lock and Key
A Lock that takes a Thievery Knowledge Check of 12 or Higher to unlock
40 GP
A Simple Lock and Key
A Lock that takes a Thievery Knowledge Check of 9 or Higher to unlock
15 GP
Aetherium Ingot
2000 GP
A type of quartz available in a variety of colors, often found with stripes or bands of color.
20 GP
A rare and valuable gem that changes color from green in daylight to red in incandescent light, prized for its unique optical properties.
300 GP
A golden to yellow-brown gem, often transparent, made from fossilized tree resin.
100 GP
A purple variety of quartz, known for its violet color and often used in jewelry.
5 GP
A purple variety of quartz, ranging from light lavender to deep violet.
100 GP
Ammunition Components
Basic materials required for crafting various types of ammunition, such as bullets or arrowheads.
4 GP
Angel-Slayer Archbow
The legendary bow that was wielded by the daemon Yok'thul of the Fourth Ring that slew the archangel Davicus on the moon now known as Gloombarrow at the Battle at Xav'pa Peak. This bow is made of pliant wood stolen from the Plane of Growth that was charred in hellfire. The secondary dark damage becomes 4d10 against divine creatures.
1 SP
A light blue or turquoise gemstone, reminiscent of sea water, valued for its clarity and deep ocean-like hues.
300 GP
Arcane Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals arcane damage or is part of the auguration, abjuration or transmutation school of magic into a gem which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
Arcantech Arm
A combination of mechanical parts, metal and residual magic that form a prosthetic arm, capable of replacing the function of a biological one. Implanting this arm reduces the user's maximum health and lightning mitigation by 3. If the wearer of this enhancement takes more than 15 lightning damage after mitigation, the device becomes disabled for 1 minute. Additionally, this enhancement does not function in nullfields or around other anti-magic effects.
1000 GP
Arcantech Cochlear Device
A combination of mechanical parts, metal and residual magic that form a prosthetic hearing device, capable of replacing the function of a biological ear and allowing hearing. Implanting this cochlear device reduces the user's maximum health and lightning mitigation by 2. If the wearer of this enhancement takes more than 15 lightning damage after mitigation, the device becomes disabled for 1 minute. Additionally, this enhancement does not function in nullfields or around other anti-magic effects.
1000 GP
Arcantech Leg
A combination of mechanical parts, metal and residual magic that form a prosthetic leg, capable of replacing the function of a biological one. Implanting this leg reduces the user's maximum health and lightning mitigation by 3. If the wearer of this enhancement takes more than 15 lightning damage after mitigation, the device becomes disabled for 1 minute. Additionally, this enhancement does not function in nullfields or around other anti-magic effects.
1000 GP
Arcantech Oculus
A combination of mechanical parts, metal and residual magic that form a prosthetic eye, capable of replacing the function of a biological one and allowing sight. Implanting this eye reduces the user's maximum health and lightning mitigation by 2. If the wearer of this enhancement takes more than 15 lightning damage after mitigation, the device becomes disabled for 1 minute. Additionally, this enhancement does not function in nullfields or around other anti-magic effects.
1000 GP
Armored Gauntlets
Hand coverings made of metal or other hard and flexible materials. Offers modest Physical protection at the expense of Initiative. Requires the Armored Fighting Module.
100 GP
Armored Greaves
Boot coverings made of metal or other hard and flexible materials. Offers modest Phsyical protection at the expense of Acrobatics and Stealth. Requires the Armored Fighting Module.
100 GP
Armored Helmet
Hard headgear that protects the head. This adds a +2 Bonus Modifier to Checks against being Dazed and Stunned. Requires the Armored Fighting Module.
100 GP
A deep blue mineral, commonly used in jewelry and ornamentation for its striking blue color.
20 GP
Barrel of Ale
A Barrel of Ale that can fill up to 20 Bottles.
2 GP
Barrel of Cheap Ale
A Barrel of Cheap Ale that can fill up to 20 Bottles.
2 GP
Basic Heavy Armor
25 GP
Basic Light Armor
15 GP
Basic Meal
A basic dish that counts as 1 meal for the day when consumed.
1 GP
Basic Medium Armor
22 GP
Basic Ration
A non-perishable, packed meal that provides no benefits.
5 SP
Basic Snack
A small snack that does not provide benefits.
1 GP
Bear Trap
When a Large or smaller creature passes through this trap, they must make an Initiative Check of 9, or they become Grappled. The Creature can use an Action to try to escape by making a Strength Check of 8 or higher. A Creature can spot this trap with a Search Check of 10 or higher.
20 GP
Provides limited protection from the elements. Provides Health Regeneration benefits from a Full Rest.
10 GP
Beginner Spell Scroll
A piece of Treated Parchment with a Beginner Spell scribed onto it that has a Channeling time of less than 1 Minute and does not require Components. This can be learned by those who have access to both this School and Spell Level. This Scroll can be used as an Action using the Spell Attack and Spell Damage Bonus Modifier of the Creature who Used it.
25 GP
Beginner Staff
A large, wooden stick with an embedded gem used to channel magic.
20 GP
Beginner Wand
A small branch with an embedded gem used to channel magic.
20 GP
Black Diamond
An extremely rare diamond with a dark, opaque color and a unique, enigmatic appearance.
1000 GP
Black Pearl
A rare and lustrous gem, this pearl features a dark, iridescent color, often with green or blue overtones.
300 GP
A dark green gem with red spots resembling drops of blood.
50 GP
Blue Diamond
A diamond with a rare natural blue color, highly sought after for its unique beauty and rarity.
1000 GP
A bola can be thrown at a Small or Tiny creature, causing the Grappled Condition if they fail an Athletics or Acrobatics against your Throwing Attack. A humanoid or otherwise intelligent creature can use an Action to remove the Bola.
6 GP
A plain pair boots, made with cloth and light leather
4 GP
Bottle of Ale
A good-quality ale, offering a balanced and enjoyable taste suitable for various occasions.
1 SP
Bottle of Cheap Ale
A simple, affordable ale, offering a basic and refreshing taste with no frills.
1 SP
Bottle of Cooking Oil
A bottle containing cooking oil, essential for frying, sauteing, and other culinary practices. Enough oil to last for a Week of Cooking.
1 GP
Bottle of Honey
A bottle filled with sweet honey, perfect as a natural sweetener or for medicinal use.
1 GP
Bottle of Lamp Oil
A bottle filled with oil used to fuel lamps, providing a reliable source of light for adventures and exploration in dark places.
3 GP
Bottle of Milk
A bottle of fresh milk, nutritious and used in cooking or consumed directly.
5 SP
Bottle of Pure Alcohol
A bottle of highly concentrated alcohol, used for medicinal or alchemical purposes, or as a potent addition to beverages.
10 GP
Bottle of Resin
A bottle filled with sticky resin, often used in crafting, waterproofing, or as an adhesive in various applications.
5 GP
Bottle of Tree Sap
A bottle containing natural tree sap, used in medicinal remedies, crafting, or as a sweetener.
1 GP
Bottle of Vinegar
A bottle of vinegar, useful for cooking, cleaning, and certain low-level alchemical needs.
2 GP
Bottle of Whiskey
A standard bottle of whiskey, aged and with a robust flavor, suitable for sipping or mixing in drinks.
3 GP
Brawler's Fingerless Mitts
A pair of simple, fingerless mitts that increase the amount of units the wearer can shove a creature by 1 and increase the size to one size above the usual threshold.
700 GP
Bundle of Bloodthorn
A bundle of bloodthorn vines, known for causing anger, irritability and intense emotions in many humanoids when coming in contact with the thorns. This vine grows in several types of environments, but is often found growing around corpses.
40 GP
Bundle of Copper Wire
A bundle of flexible copper wire, useful in various crafting applications, including jewelry and electrical conduits in magical devices.
2 GP
Bundle of Echinacea
A bundle of echinacea, popular for its immune-boosting properties and use in herbal remedies.
4 GP
Bundle of Embervine
A bundle of embervine, known for being a dark red vine with glowing orange veins running through it, giving off a faint warmth when touched.
50 GP
Bundle of Eyestalk
A bundle of eyestalk, a rare plant with a single bulbous growth at the top that resembles an eye, complete with vein-like roots trailing down its stem. A bundle of eyestalk can be used as a tier 2 eye augmentation for alchemy recipes.
70 GP
Bundle of Frostleaf
A bundle of frostleaf, a thin, pale blue leaf that shimmer with a frosty sheen even in warm climates, known for giving severe frostbite if picked without protective equipment.
50 GP
Bundle of Gingko
A bundle of gingko leaves, known for their use in improving memory and concentration in alchemical brews.
20 GP
Bundle of Ginseng
A bundle of ginseng, prized for its revitalizing properties and use in longevity potions.
50 GP
Bundle of Golden Poppy
A bundle of golden poppy, known for its bright flowers and use in sleep-inducing potions.
10 GP
Bundle of Guarana
A bundle of guarana, a plant known for its stimulating properties and use in energy potions.
20 GP
Bundle of Incense
A bundle of aromatic incense, used to create a pleasant atmosphere or in ritual practices.
10 GP
Bundle of Licorice
A bundle of licorice root, often used in sweets and medicinal concoctions for its distinct flavor.
10 GP
Bundle of Mandrake
A bundle of mandrake root, notorious in folklore for its use in magical practices and potions.
4 GP
Bundle of Mint
A bundle of fresh mint, commonly used for its refreshing taste and aroma in cooking and teas.
2 GP
Bundle of Mugwort
A bundle of mugwort, a herb used in dream magic and various protective rituals.
20 GP
Bundle of Nightshade
A bundle of nightshade, a dangerous and poisonous plant used in various dark alchemical recipes.
10 GP
Bundle of Peppermint
A bundle of fresh peppermint, known for its refreshing scent and use in teas and remedies.
5 GP
Bundle of Rosemary
A bundle of Rosemary is made up of fragrant, needle-like herbs with a woody scent, used in both culinary and medicinal practices.
4 GP
Bundle of Saffron
A bundle of saffron, a rare and valuable spice known for its unique flavor and coloring properties.
15 GP
Bundle of Sage
A bundle of sage, often used for culinary purposes and in rituals for cleansing and protection.
4 GP
Bundle of Valerian Root
A bundle of valerian root, commonly used in sleep aids and calming potions.
2 GP
Bundle of Yarrow
A bundle of yarrow, commonly used in traditional medicine for its healing properties.
2 GP
Calming Potion
A potion that removes the Maddened or Afraid condition from a creature that is not caused by a magical effect at the end of their next turn but gains a tier of Exhaustion.
40 GP
A thick candle with a long wick which can burn for several days, giving off a subtle light in a 2 unit radius. These types of candles are especially useful in rituals.
5 SP
A reddish-brown stone, often used in jewelry for its warm, deep color.
50 GP
A form of quartz in milky or grayish-blue, known for its waxy luster.
50 GP
Cheap Bottle of Wine
A basic, inexpensive wine, enjoyable but not particularly distinguished in flavor.
1 GP
A common domesticated bird, often kept for its eggs and meat.
2 GP
Chunk of Meat
A sizable piece of meat, can be cooked in various ways to provide a hearty meal.
1 GP
A pale yellow to brownish orange variety of quartz, resembling the citrus fruit.
50 GP
Climbing Kit
This kit is filled with useful tools, such as Pitons, Crampons and a harness. You gain a +1 Bonus to Athletics Checks when you climb using this kit.
45 GP
A piece of cloth or leather that is worn on the back
10 GP
Cloth Sack
A durable cloth sack, useful for carrying and storing a variety of items, from food to small treasures.
1 GP
Cold Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals cold damage into a gem or is part of the aquamancy or druidic school of magic which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
While using a Compass to navigate, you gain a +1 Bonus to Wilderness Checks.
30 GP
Cooking Utensils
A set of basic cooking utensils, including pots, pans, and cooking tools, essential for preparing meals during travels.
4 GP
Copper Ingot
4 GP
A Crowbar adds a +1 Bonus to Strength Checks involving doors or opening containers
1 GP
Cup of Beans
A cup of dried beans, a staple food that can be cooked in a variety of ways.
1 SP
Cup of Rice
A cup of rice, a versatile grain that serves as a foundational ingredient in many meals.
1 SP
Dark Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals dark damage into a gem or is part of the necromancy or witchcraft school of magic which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
The hardest and one of the most valuable gemstones, known for its unparalleled clarity and brilliance.
800 GP
Disguise Kit
A single convincing disguise that gives a -2 Penalty to Insight Checks against your Persuasion and Performance Skills when trying to see through the Disguise.
10 GP
Dissipation Dagger
An immutable dagger with golden, arcane runes etched into the blade and a hilt wrapped in red cloth. This weapon can be thrown as a reaction to a projectile or ray spell passing within 3 units of the wielder by making a piercing attack. If the result is higher than that of the original spell attack, the spell is destroyed. The dagger falls to the ground at the location it intercepts the spell.
1000 GP
Divine Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals divine damage into a gem or is part of the abjuration or divine school of magic which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
A sturdy, dependable animal used for carrying loads or as a mount for smaller individuals. Known for its endurance and stubbornness.
20 GP
Electrum Ingot
100 GP
A rich green gemstone, valued for its vibrant color and rarity.
500 GP
Empty Bottle
A clear glass bottle with a cork, useful for storing liquids or small items during adventures.
5 SP
Empty Vial
A small glass vial with a stopper, perfect for storing liquids, powders, or small items safely.
2 SP
Expedition Supplies
A bundle of food, medicine and other supplies to support an expedition. A small and medium creature can be sustained on 1 per day and a large creature requires 2.
4 GP
Expert Spell Scroll
A piece of Treated Parchment with a Expert Spell scribed onto it that has a Channeling time of less than 1 Minute and does not require Components. This can be learned by those who have access to both this School and Spell Level. This Scroll can be used as an Action using the Spell Attack and Spell Damage Bonus Modifier of the Creature who Used it.
300 GP
Fancy Meal
A delectable dish that counts as 2 meals and allows a Character to regain an extra 3d6 Health at the end of a Full Rest.
10 GP
Fancy Snack
A delectable snack that grants 3d4 Temporary Health an hour after consuming it that lasts until your next Full Rest.
10 GP
Fang of Y'shaal
A fang said to be severed from the ancient serpent Y'shaal by the heroine Arvine when she did battle with the creature before being ultimately succumbing to the poison. On a true hit, venom from the fang poisons the target, dealing 1d12 poison damage for up to a minute.
2000 GP
Field Ration
A non-perishable, packed meal that provides an extra 1 Health at the end your next Full Rest.
2 GP
Fine Bottle of Wine
An exquisite wine, aged to perfection, known for its superior taste and quality.
30 GP
Fire Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals fire damage into a gem or is part of the pyromancy school of magic which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
Fire Opal
An opal with a bright, fiery coloration, ranging from warm yellows to rich reds.
1000 GP
A volatile mixture of sulfur and nitrate that can be thrown as if it were a small object that causes an explosion within a 1 unit radius of where it landed requiring all creatures within the area to make a defensive check of 7, otherwise they take 2d12 fire damage.
80 GP
Fishing Pole
A sturdy rod equipped with a line and hook, used for catching fish in rivers, lakes, or seas.
20 GP
Flame Emerald
An emerald with fiery red and orange inclusions, giving it a unique, blazing appearance.
800 GP
Flint and Steel
Can be used to Ignite flammable objects
1 GP
Focus Band
A simple band of alloy metals that sits on the brow, enhancing the mind but making the wearer more vulnerable to psychic attacks. While wearing this band, the wearer can speak telepathically to a creature within 10 units if they share a language. The targeted creature has the option of responding back within 10 seconds.
1000 GP
A piece of fresh fruit like an apple, orange, or banana, perfect for a quick snack or as part of a meal.
2 SP
A deep red gemstone, known for its glass-like luster and clarity.
100 GP
Glimmering Buckler
A buckler fashioned from cherry wood with a ring of white steel surrounding the circumference and a line of arcane runes carved into the center. The wielder of this buckler becomes immutable.
900 GP
Hand coverings that are made of cloth or other light material.
8 GP
Gloves of the Tainted
These black leather gloves drip with a sickly ichor causing unarmed attacks with hands to deal dark damage instead of physical and deal an extra 1d10 dark damage against creatures who are diseased.
500 GP
Gold Ingot
500 GP
Golden Idol
An Idol made out of pure Gold, often used in Rituals.
250 GP
Golden Ring
A small band of gold that fits on a finger
100 GP
Grappling Hook
This can be used as an anchor for a rope, capable of holding the weight of a Medium or smaller creature.
25 GP
Greater Healing Potion
A bitter draught that heals the creature who consumes it for 4d10 health.
220 GP
Grinding File
Used for grinding down metals into fine dust. This takes 6 hours to file one ingot. One Ingot becomes 10 Pinches of Dust
6 GP
Hammer of the Artisan
An immutable, small hammer with a head made of aetherium and a handle made of woven wood. Once per day, the wielder of this hammer can strike an object and either increase or decrease the durability by one tier, with the effects lasting until the hammer is used again in this way.
1 SP
Hand Saw
Used for cutting branches, small trees or wooden planks
5 GP
Healing Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals restores health into a gem or is part of the divine or druidic school of magic which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
Healing Potion
A bitter draught that heals the creature who consumes it for 2d12 health.
85 GP
Heavy 1-Handed Blunt Weapon
60 GP
Heavy 1-Handed Pierce Weapon
60 GP
Heavy 1-Handed Slash Weapon
60 GP
Heavy 2-Handed Blunt Weapon
120 GP
Heavy 2-Handed Pierce Weapon
120 GP
Heavy 2-Handed Slash Weapon
120 GP
Heavy Ammunition
Heavier ammunition, designed for maximum impact and penetration. Used in Heavy Ranged Weapons.
1 GP
Heavy Iron Shield
75 GP
Heavy Lead Weight
10 GP
Heavy Leather Bundle
A Thick bundle of Heavy Leather that can be cut into 5 Strips by using a Skinning Knife..
10 GP
Heavy Ranged Weapon
120 GP
A shiny, dark gray mineral, often polished for use in jewelry and decoration.
5 GP
Homing Compass
A special spherical compass that can be commanded once per day to point towards a settlement that you have been to before and know the name of. At the end of your next full rest, the compass functions normally and points north.
100 GP
Improved Meal
An improved dish that counts as 2 meals and allows a Character to regain an extra 1d6 Health at the end of a Full Rest.
4 GP
Improved Snack
An snack that grants 1d4 Temporary Health an hour after consuming it that lasts until your next Full Rest.
4 GP
Iron Ammoheads
Iron heads for ammunition, offering a balance of weight and durability, suitable for standard projectiles.
25 GP
Iron Heavy Armor
260 GP
Iron Ingot
20 GP
Iron Medium Armor
240 GP
Iron Pan
A Medium sized pan used for Cooking
3 GP
Iron Pipe
A sturdy iron pipe, commonly used in construction, or as a component in several crafting recipes.
12 GP
Iron Pot
A Pot that holds 3 Gallons of Liquid
2 GP
Iron Ultra-Heavy Armor
300 GP
A green gemstone, prized for its smooth texture and rich, vibrant color.
100 GP
An opaque gemstone, often found in red, yellow, or brown, known for its grainy appearance.
50 GP
Journeyman Spell Scroll
A piece of Treated Parchment with a Journeyman Spell scribed onto it that has a Channelingtime of less than 1 Minute and does not require Components. This can be learned by those who have access to both this School and Spell Level. This Scroll can be used as an Action using the Spell Attack and Spell Damage Bonus Modifier of the Creature who Used it.
150 GP
Lapis Lazuli
A semi-precious stone known for its solid deep blue color, often with flecks of pyrite.
20 GP
Large Net
This item can be Thrown at a Large or Smaller creature giving them the Grappled Condition if they fail an Athletics or Acrobatics Check of 10. This Net has 20 Structure Points.
35 GP
Large Saddle
A saddle, suitable for a large mount.
15 GP
Lead Ammoheads
Heavy lead heads for ammunition, maximizing impact and suitable for highly customizable projectiles.
60 GP
Lead Ingot
40 GP
Lead-Lined Cloak
A cumbersome cloak that comes equipped with a thick hood, blocking light from any celestial body such as a sun, moon or star. The lead composition of this cloak makes it difficult to attack or defend yourself in but offers some protection against magics.
100 GP
Leather Boots
A pair of boots made from reinforced leather, offering slight protection against Cold and Fire.
20 GP
Leather Gloves
Hand coverings that are made of leather that offer modest protection against Heat and Cold
25 GP
Lesser Firebomb
A volatile mixture of sulfur and nitrate that can be thrown as if it were a small object that causes an explosion within a 1 unit radius of where it landed requiring all creatures within the area to make a defensive check of 7, otherwise they take 2d6 fire damage.
40 GP
Light 1-Handed Blunt Weapon
35 GP
Light 1-Handed Pierce Weapon
35 GP
Light 1-Handed Slash Weapon
35 GP
Light 2-Handed Blunt Weapon
60 GP
Light 2-Handed Pierce Weapon
60 GP
Light 2-Handed Slash Weapon
60 GP
Light Ammunition
Lightweight ammunition, offering a good balance between speed and impact. Used in Light Ranged Weapons.
5 SP
Light Iron Shield
25 GP
Light Leather Bundle
A Thin bundle of Light Leather that can be cut into 5 Strips by using a Skinning Knife.
5 GP
Light Ranged Weapon
60 GP
Lightning Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals lightning damage or is part of the aeromancy or druidic school of magic into a gem which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
Lock Pick
As an Action, you can attempt to use this to pick a Lock, gaining a +1 Bonus to Thievery Knowledge Checks. The Lockpick breaks upon use unless the resulting Theivery Knowledge Check was higher than a 15.
5 GP
Lump of Charcoal
A lump of charcoal, made from partially burned wood. Its used as a fuel source in forges and grills, and for various crafting and alchemical purposes.
5 SP
Lump of Coal
A lump of coal, a common fuel source used for burning in fires, forges, and as a heat source for various needs.
5 SP
Lump of Coke
A lump of coke, a fuel with high carbon content, essential for achieving high temperatures in forges and smelters.
5 GP
Lycanthrope Claws
Claws of a lycanthrope that benefit from skills with Slashing Weapons.
0 SP
A bright green mineral with distinctive dark green banding, used in various decorative items.
5 GP
Master Spell Scroll
A piece of Treated Parchment with a Master Spell scribed onto it that has a Channeling time of less than 1 Minute and does not require Components. This can be learned by those who have access to both this School and Spell Level. This Scroll can be used as an Action using the Spell Attack and Spell Damage Bonus Modifier of the Creature who Used it.
600 GP
Mechanical Parts
A collection of various gears, springs, and small mechanical components, essential engineering recipes.
10 GP
Medicine Kit
A Medicine Kit contains 6 Sterile Bandages and 2 Smelling Salts.
10 GP
Medium Lead Weight
5 GP
Mining Pick
Used for breaking down rocks into smaller pieces or extracting metals from rock
4 GP
A translucent stone with a white, blue, or silver sheen, reminiscent of moonlight.
50 GP
Mortar and Pestle
Used for crushing ingredients such as gems or organic materials into fine powders
2 GP
Musical Instrument
A musical instrument such as a flute, lyre or harp.
25 GP
A small Needle used for sewing, medical procedures or traps
3 SP
This item can be Thrown at a Medium or Smaller creature giving them the Grappled Condition if they fail an Athletics or Acrobatics Check of 8. This Net has 10 Structure Points.
16 GP
Novice Spell Scroll
A piece of Treated Parchment with a Novice Spell scribed onto it that has a Channeling time of less than 1 Minute and does not require Components. This can be learned by those who have access to both this School and Spell Level. This Scroll can be used as an Action using the Spell Attack and Spell Damage Bonus Modifier of the Creature who Used it.
35 GP
A dark, glass-like volcanic rock, typically black in color and very smooth.
20 GP
Oil Lantern
Can be ignited, giving off light in a 5 unit radius. Lasts for 12 hours and can be refueled with a Bottle of Lamp Oil
20 GP
A smooth, black stone, often with white bands, known for its glossy finish.
50 GP
A gemstone with a mix of shimmering colors, often containing specks of green, blue, orange, and red.
20 GP
A gem with a play of iridescent colors, displaying a spectrum of hues within.
500 GP
A smooth, round gem formed within the shells of certain mollusks, typically white or cream-colored.
100 GP
A bright green gemstone, known for its clear, glassy appearance.
50 GP
Piece of Paper
A simple sheet of paper, commonly used for writing notes, messages, or drawing maps.
1 SP
Pinch of Flour
A small amount of flour, a basic ingredient for baking bread or other pastries.
1 SP
Pinch of Obsidian Dust
Finely ground obsidian dust, used in alchemy and crafting for its unique properties and sharpness.
5 GP
Pinch of Pepper
A pinch of ground pepper, used to add flavor and spice to dishes.
1 SP
Pinch of Powdered Aetherium
200 GP
Pinch of Powdered Copper
4 SP
Pinch of Powdered Electrum
10 GP
Pinch of Powdered Gold
50 GP
Pinch of Powdered Iron
2 GP
Pinch of Powdered Platinum
100 GP
Pinch of Powdered Silver
5 GP
Pinch of Powdered Starsteel
500 GP
Pinch of Powdered Tin
1 SP
Pinch of Salt
A small quantity of salt, essential for seasoning and preserving food.
1 SP
Pinch of Spices
A mixture of various spices, used to enhance the flavor of numerous dishes.
4 SP
Pinch of Sugar
A pinch of sugar, used to sweeten foods and beverages.
1 SP
Platinium Ring
A small band of platinum that fits on a finger
500 GP
Platinum Ingot
1000 GP
Potion of Attraction
A potion that causes the creature who consumes it to become more confident and charismatic, gaining a +2 bonus to persuasion checks for the next hour.
40 GP
Potion of Awakening
A potion that can be fed to a creature that is unconscious or sleeping, waking them up for 1 minute. During this time, they do not suffer the penalties associated with exhaustion or lifeline. When this potion expires, the creature immediately gains tier 3 exhaustion and falls asleep.
40 GP
Potion of Big Mind
A potion that causes the creature who drinks it to gain a 1d4 bonus to knowledge checks for the next hour. However, after that time elapses, they gain a 1d4 penalty to knowledge checks until the end of their next full rest.
50 GP
Potion of Forgetting
A potion that causes the creature who drinks it be able to remove an eligble module and refund all the points.
200 GP
Potion of Quick Tongue
A potion that causes the creature who drinks it be able to charge spells with their free action for the next minute. However, when this potion ends, the creature becomes dazed for one hour.
170 GP
Potion of Rage
A potion that causes the creature who drinks it to gain a 1d4 bonus to strength checks and a 1d6 bonus to the primary damage on melee attacks for the next 10 minutes. However, each time this creature takes physical damage, they must make a resilience check against half the damage or become maddened against the creature that hit them.
60 GP
Potion of Reflex
A potion that causes the creature who drinks it to gain a 1d4 bonus to initiative and dodge checks for the next minute. After the effects wear off, the affected creature gains a tier of exhaustion.
100 GP
Potion of Restoration
A potion that cures any disease on the creature who consumes it after their next full rest.
30 GP
Pouch of Caltrops
As an Action, a Creature can use this Pouch to spread enough Caltrops within 2 Adjacent Tiles. Any creature who moves through this tile takes 1d4 Physical Damage. For each Physical Damage that is not mitigated, the creature also loses 1 Unit of Movement when they take the Move Action until the start of their next turn.
10 GP
Pouch of Nitrate
A pouch of nitrate, often used in alchemy and medicine, and as a component in the creation of explosives.
10 GP
Pouch of Saltpeter
A pouch filled with saltpeter, an essential ingredient in alchemy, particularly for making gunpowder.
4 GP
Pouch of Sulfur
A small pouch containing powdered sulfur, useful in various alchemical concoctions and for medicinal purposes.
15 GP
Psychic Catalyst
A catalyst created by channeling a spell that deals dark damage into a gem or is part of the illusion school of magic which can be used for several crafting recipies. The quality of the catalyst is determined by the type of gem used and the level of the spell channeled, with a 5 gold gem creating a beginner catalyst, 20 novice, 50 journeyman, 100 expert and 500 master.
5 GP
A common crystal that is usually white or clear with a glass-like appearance.
5 GP
Reinforced Light Armor
200 GP
Repair Strip
Spend 5 Minutes applying this to a damaged piece of equipment such as a Shield, Weapon or Piece of Armor to negate 1 point of damage.
10 GP
Riding Horse
A horse bred for riding, combining speed and endurance. Suitable for travel and everyday use.
80 GP
15 GP
Robe of the Arcane Circle
A purple robe with horizontal lines of glimmering gold once worn by a member of the long defunct Arcane Circle at the dawn of the 4th Phase. This robe cannot be soiled or destroyed by any mortal means.
10000 GP
A gemstone of a deep red color, highly prized for its hardness and vivid hue.
500 GP
Sack of Beans
A Sack of Beans has 10 Cups of Beans in it.
1 GP
Sack of Flour
A Sack of Flour has 100 Pinches of Flour in it.
5 SP
Sack of Rice
A Sack of Rice has 10 Cups of Rice in it.
1 GP
Sack of Sugar
A Sack of Sugar has 100 Pinches of Sugar in it.
3 GP
A saddle, suitable for a medium-sized mount.
10 GP
A deep blue gemstone, known for its hardness and luster, second only to diamond.
500 GP
Set of Manacles
Must be used on a Medium or Smaller creature that is either Stunned, Incapacitated or Grappled. Make a contested Athletics Check against Acrobatics or Athletics. If Manacles are placed on the ankles, the target becomes Incapacitated. If placed on the wrists, the target can only take 1 Action on their turn. A creature can attempt to break free of these Manacles with a Strength Check of 14. Upon a failure, the character receives 1 Tier of Exhaustion.
25 GP
Sharpening Stone
A durable stone used for sharpening the edges of blades and tools, keeping them in optimal condition.
5 GP
A domesticated animal valued for its wool and meat. Often found on farms and in rural areas.
15 GP
A sturdy shovel, indispensable for digging, whether for setting up camp, unearthing treasures, or other practical needs.
2 GP
Silk Bundle
A bundle of fine silk, luxurious and smooth, perfect for high-quality garments or decorative items.
10 GP
Silver Headband
A headband made of Silver
60 GP
Silver Idol
An Idol made out of pure Silver, often used in Rituals.
25 GP
Silver Ingot
50 GP
Silver Ring
A small band of silver that fits on a finger
50 GP
Skinning Knife
A special knife that grants a +1 Bonus to Wilderness Checks while Skinning creatures and can be used to cut Leathers into smaller pieces.
10 GP
Sky Emerald
A rare variant of emerald with a lighter, sky-blue hue, combining the qualities of emeralds and sapphires.
800 GP
Sleep Potion
A potion that can be mixed with food or drink to cause the sleeping condition for 1d4 hours if a creature fails a resilience check of 7 or higher. After failing the check, the condition takes 1d10 minutes before taking effect.
25 GP
Small Cobalt Ingot
100 GP
Small Lead Weight
1 GP
Small Nickel Ingot
20 GP
Smelling Salts
Smelling Salts can be used to rouse an unconscious creature for 1 Minute. If a Creature roused in this way has less than 10 Health at the end of that minute, they fall unconscious again.
2 GP
Smithing Bellows
A large bellows used to stoke the fires in a forge, providing a controlled blast of air to increase heat.
10 GP
Smithing Hammer
A heavy hammer designed for metalworking, essential for shaping and forging metals in smithing.
20 GP
Smithing Tongs
Long-handled tongs specifically designed for handling hot metals in a forge.
2 GP
A small vial which can be thrown, creating a 1 unit radius of smoke that lasts until the end of your next turn that also breaks line of sight. Anyone within the smoke is considered blinded.
10 GP
A tube with a glass lense that amplifies distant objects when looking through. This grants a +1 Bonus to Search Checks relying on sight when looking at objects over 100 Units away.
30 GP
Staff of Starfall
This wooden staff, about 2 units tall, was rumored to be crafted by an unnamed mage who was enraptured by a cosmic entity and attempted to capture the very essence of the stars within the single gem that sits on the apex. As an action, the wielder can create simulated starlight within 8 units, in which effects that require the sky or nighttime sky function within that area. The wielder can attain an uncommon bond by succumbing to tier 3 exhaustion on top of a mountain under the nighttime sky.
5000 GP
Star Ruby
A special type of ruby displaying a star-like pattern of reflected light known as asterism.
800 GP
A singular white, glowing bulb that is known for it's transmutive properties. This flower can be substituted for any tier 3 alchemy augmentation and counts as an automatic overcraft if successful.
250 GP
Starsteel Ingot
5000 GP
Steel Ammoheads
Steel heads for ammunition, harder and more durable than iron.
45 GP
Steel Ingot
30 GP
Steel Pipe
A high-strength steel pipe, more durable than iron, suitable for heavy-duty construction or mechanical engineering.
18 GP
Sterile Bandage
A Sterile Bandage can be used as an Action to cure the Bleeding Condition with a successful Medicine Check of 10 or higher.
1 GP
Strip of Heavy Leather
A thick and durable strip of leather, suitable for making robust items like armor, belts, or sturdy bags.
2 GP
Strip of Light Leather
A flexible and thin strip of leather, ideal for crafting lightweight apparel, pouches, or book covers.
1 GP
Symbiotic Armor
This chest piece is composed of earthen colored scales which shift to fit the form of the wearer perfectly, granting them protection. This armor can also be commanded to change form over the course of a full rest, evolving into either the light, medium or large category. However, this armor causes the wielder to require double the sustenance they would normally need. If this requirement is not met, the wearer takes 1d8 true damage at the end of a full rest. Once this armor is removed, it will no longer bond to the creature who was wearing it again.
2000 GP
Template Item
An item to use for templates
1 SP
Provides limited protection from the elements and can shelter 2 Medium or smaller creatures
30 GP
Tent of the Arcane Nomad
An enchanted tent made of jet black fabric with flecks of silver decorating the surface. The interior of this tent is a half-sphere with a radius of 4 units that exists on a safe, minor plane that has both air and a comfortable temperature. This tent is considered both reinforced and sturdy when taking damage. If this tent is destroyed, the plane and everything inside is as well.
8000 GP
The Flaming Avenger
The Flaming Avenger is a 2-handed sword that is eternally on fire, though the flame does not affect the individual this sword is bonded to. This item was forged in the Plane of Rebirth by the celestial smith, Asvhara and gifted to a legendary paladin to lead the battle against darkness in the 3rd Reckoning on Gloombarrow. The wielder of this sword can bond with this blade by participating in the slaying of dark creatures that are level 20 or higher, gaining their level worth of points each time. At 20 points, the blade gains a Rare Bond, at 50 a Legendary Bond and 100 a Mythic Bond.
50000 GP
Thick Hide Cloak
A piece of cloth or leather that is worn on the back and offers modest protection against the elements
50 GP
Throwing Ammunition
A small weapon that is thrown such as a shuriken, throwing knife, or dart that counts as a Small Object but deals an extra 1d6 Damage and have a +2 Bonus to Range.
5 GP
Tin Ingot
1 GP
A gemstone available in a variety of colors, known for its brilliance and clarity. Often found in yellow, blue, and clear forms.
300 GP
Can be ignited, giving off light in a 5 unit radius. Lasts for 4 hours.
5 GP
Tranquilizer Serum
A serum that can either be applied to a fabric and inhaled or delivered by a dart. When affected, a humanoid, monster or beast must make a resilience check of 5 or higher or gain the Sleeping condition for 1 minute.
50 GP
Treated Parchment
A high-quality parchment, specially treated to resist wear and tear, perfect for important documents or spell scrolls.
6 GP
Treated Wood
Wood that has been specially treated to resist rot and insects, ideal for building or crafting durable wooden items.
5 GP
A blue to green mineral, often used in jewelry for its unique, vibrant hue.
5 GP
Ultra-Light Ammunition
Extremely lightweight ammunition, designed for high velocity and accuracy, but lower impact. Used in Ultra-Light Ranged Weapons.
3 SP
Ultra-Light Ranged Weapon
40 GP
A fresh vegetable, such as a carrot, potato, or onion, essential for basic nutrition and cooking.
2 SP
Velvet Bundle
A bundle of rich velvet, soft and elegant, used in crafting upscale clothing or exquisite upholstery.
50 GP
Vial of Acid
A small vial of potent acid, capable of corroding metals and other materials, often used in alchemy.
10 GP
Vial of Antidote
A vial of antitode that helps counter toxins, reducing the amount of damage from the next poison you take by 1d6 for the next minute, ending the poison if the affected character takes no damage after calculating mitigations.
10 GP
Vial of Distilled Valerian Root
5 GP
Vial of Flax Oil
A vial of flax oil, rich in nutrients and often used as a base for various medicinal concoctions.
2 GP
Vial of Ink
A small vial filled with quality ink, essential for writing or drawing on paper or parchment.
4 GP
Vial of Mercury
A vial containing mercury, a rare and valuable liquid metal used in alchemical processes and for treating leathers.
30 GP
Vial of Poison
A vial of poison that can be coated on a weapon, piece of ammunition or used to lace a drink or food. When a creature comes in contact with this poison, they must make a resilience check of 7 or they become poisoned and take 1d6 poison damage at the end of each turn.
15 GP
Vial of Slow Poison
A vial of poison that can be coated on a weapon, piece of ammunition or used to lace a drink or food. When a creature comes in contact with this poison, they must make a resilience check of 7 or they become poisoned and take 1d8 poison damage at the end of each full rest.
30 GP
Vial of Sticky Goo
A vial that can be thrown as if it were a small object that causes an area within a 2 unit radius to be covered in a sticky substance which doubles the amount of movement required to pass through.
25 GP
Vial of Venom
A vial containing a dangerous venom, extracted from a poisonous creature, often used in alchemy.
20 GP
Vigorous Amulet
A circular amulet made of platinum hanging from a fine chain of gold, this amulet grants the wearer vigor in both mind and body.
4000 GP
War Horse
A powerful and well-trained horse, bred for battle. Strong and brave, ideal for knights and warriors.
250 GP
Weak Healing Potion
A bitter draught that heals the creature who consumes it for 3d4 health.
20 GP
Wearable Oil Lantern
This lantern can be ignited, giving off light in a 3 unit radius while not needing a hand to operate, as it can clip or hang onto a piece of clothing. Lasts for 12 hours and can be refueled with a Bottle of Lamp Oil
20 GP
Wheel of Aged Cheese
A wheel of finely aged cheese, known for its enhanced flavor and considered a delicacy.
20 GP
Wheel of Cheese
A standard wheel of cheese, a staple food item offering good nourishment and flavor.
3 GP
Work Horse
A strong and robust horse, bred for labor such as pulling plows or carts. Not as fast as riding horses but very reliable.
60 GP