
Random Direction Table

Roll Description
1 North
2 North East
3 East
4 South East
5 South
6 South West
7 West
8 North West

Surge Table

Roll Description
1 You enter stasis, gaining that condition for the next 1d4 days
2 You transform into a random beast as if you were under the effects of the spell polymorph by rolling on the Random Beast Table. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until naturally reverting due to losing health.
3 You become muted until the end of your next full rest
4 You become the target of the channeled spell
5 You teleport 1d6 units in a random direction. If the spot is occupied, teleport instead to the closest unoccupied tile to that point and take 2d12 true damage.
6 You become dazed until the end of your next full rest and take 2d12 psychic damage if you are currently focusing on a spell
7 The spell fails and you gain 1 tier of exhaustion
8 You gain temporary health equal to the amount of power spent on the spell
9 The spell is upraded to a true hit and any damage dealt by the spell on your current turn is converted to true damage
10 The spell is converted to a radius spell with a radius of 2 centered on your original target. If the spell already has an area type of radius, line, or cone, the size of the area is increased by 1 unit, instead.
11 The spell consumes double the power but is upgraded to a brutal critical. If the conduit reaches 0 as a result of this power increase, the channeler must then roll an essence burn to make up the remaining power required for the spell.
12 The spell is upgraded to a brutal critical and does not consume any power

Random Beast Table

Roll Description
1 Chicken
2 Cat
3 Fox
4 Hawk
5 Lizard
6 Owl
7 Snake
8 Boar
9 Donkey
10 Octopus
11 Ram
12 Wolf
13 Horse
14 Anaconda
15 Shark
16 Great Ape
17 Grizzly Bear
18 Lion
19 Hootbeast
20 Griffin

Random Damage Table

Roll Description
1 Physical
2 Fire
3 Lightning
4 Cold
5 Dark
6 Divine
7 Arcane
8 Psychic
9 Poison
10 True

Entity Encounter Table

Roll Description
1 The next time you take damage of the type of the planar category before the end of your next full rest, that damage is doubled :

Undead : Dark

Demonic : Dark

Divine : Divine

Void : Psychic

2 Planar Sickness : You suffer a 1d4 penalty to resistance and resilience checks until the end of your next full rest.
3 Beacon : All creatures within a 200 units become aware of your current location, with the type of creature depending on the category:

Undead : Undead

Demonic : Dark [Daemon]

Divine : Divine

Void : Dark [Void]

4 Planar Feedback : You take 1d6 damage for each power spent, with the damage type depending on the category:

Undead : Dark

Demonic : Dark

Divine : Divine

Void : Psychic

5 Rift : In the next 1d4 rounds, an enemy creature from the planar category of a level less than 1d20 + 4 can appear at the location the spell was channeled.
6 Contact : An entity from a plane of the planar category takes notice of and is able to interact with you for the next 1d6 days.